Management of menopause: A survey of physicians from the Middle East and Africa

Thyroxine Replacement Therapy during Ramadan Fasting: Physicians’ and Patients’ Perceptions and Practices

History of Medicine – The Giant of Tripoli: The Case of Late Recognition and Management of an Extreme Acromegalic Gigantism in Resource-Poor Settings

Diagnosis and Management of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Survey of Physicians from the Middle East and Africa

Ramadan Fasting in Health and Disease in 2021: A Narrative Review

Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion is associated with a better glycemic control than multiple daily insulin injections without difference in diabetic ketoacidosis and hypoglycemia admissions among Emiratis with Type 1 diabetes.

Proportion and predictors of Hypogonadism Recovery in Men with Macroprolactinomas treated with dopamine agonists

Characteristics and Challenges of Primary Adrenal Insufficiency in Africa: A Review of the Literature

Clinical characteristics and outcomes of care in patients hospitalized with diabetic ketoacidosis

Acromegaly, Polycystic Ovary, and Other Stories